Daylight | Teen Ink


May 20, 2016
By Gonzalezma BRONZE, Saginaw, Michigan
Gonzalezma BRONZE, Saginaw, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My lights lingered long past closing time,

drowning out your soft tunes
Making me weak.
Straddling with the edge of consciousness,
waiting for me to return
With the streets left empty and the sidewalks vacant from
the want of people.
The night time adventures and secrets
both good and bad,
With the words to captivate the complexity of
any human.
Knowing about a life of solitude and the wonder of
any creation.
You left me homesick,
a place of want that I do not call home.
Lacking the wishes in shooting stars of how I miss you.

The author's comments:

This poem is inspired about all the times that people have let me down and have me by myself to fix the problem. I wrote it to show how I am alone at most times, trying to figure out how to live my life the best I can even with all the struggles I face in life. 

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