sick. | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By 19vf01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
19vf01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments


scratching, clawing actually, in my head as if my mind is trying to escape. a stinging in my throat, like something crawled from the depths of Hell and left scratch marks. but all that can really be done about it is write tired poetry while sad.


but my head still hurts--no matter how much I write--from a constant pounding and a voice that whispers, “maybe you just need to cry?” that’s what my mom always says. “a nice cry lifts bricks off your shoulders.” but I don’t need to cry, or maybe do? I can never seem to tell.


and my throat still hurts from a constant coughing. I’m not sick but for some reason I wake up with a dry cough that keeps me up for hours. maybe tea? my mom always says a nice cup of tea could fix any sore throat.

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