Momma | Teen Ink


May 31, 2016
By kaylam1225 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
kaylam1225 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Momma raised me right,
Said don’t ever drink and drive.
So at the party that night,
I knew that water was right.

I knew there would be pride
In Momma’s eyes
As I came in to provide
A kiss goodnight.

Suddenly, the pitch black night
Filled with light
And as I looked to my right

I saw a car
I saw a kid, a student, a partygoer.

Now all I see are the stars,
And all I can feel is the pavement
Until flashing blue and red cars
Make things less vacant.

I feel a rushing madness in the breeze
Until everything, everyone seems to freeze.
It’s as if there’s nothing they can do,
But they don’t have a clue.

I’m right here.
but how do you call out if everyone else has given up?

The only one to reassure me are the stars.
They stretch near and far:
Showing me we are more than what we think we are.

So I can now allow myself to relax
As my last breath breathes

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