To Hell's Gates | Teen Ink

To Hell's Gates

June 12, 2016
By Scrwibbles BRONZE, Coatsville, Pennsylvania
Scrwibbles BRONZE, Coatsville, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I intend to accept my body today,Love my body tomorrow & appreciate it always.

To Hell's gates I swiftly ride
My feet carry me in enormous stride

I run as quickly as my feet will carry
To run away from the beast awful and hairy

They like chase me as much as they can
They throw weights at my feet and hands

To drag me down is their only wish
To touch my body and make me feel sick

But they can not touch me no matter how hard they try
They will not enter my brain and whisper words of dismay

Make me slash my sorrows away
For I am not weak anymore

They can not push me down through the floor
And the earth down to the depths of hell

And make my body a bloody shell
For I will not enter through those gates

The author's comments:

This was influcined by my ongoing fight with depression.This poem helped me in so many ways

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