Questions | Teen Ink


October 10, 2016
By juliastar.k BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
juliastar.k BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why did you just take your helmet off?
What Just happened?
Are you okay?
Where did you get hit?
Who hit you?
Do you remember what day it is?
Are you dizzy?
Can you stand up without falling?
How bad does your head hurt?
How are we going to get you off the ice?
We need to get you to the hospital, do you remember your name to tell the nurse?

The author's comments:

what inspired this piece was getting injured during one of my hockey games, I suffered multiple blows to my head and got a concussion. After I got hit, My hockey coach asked me a lot of questions, so when I was given the writing promt to write questions to tell a story, the ones that people all around me and what my coach asked me told the story of a severe concussion that kepy me out of school for weeks due to memory loss. These question tell about that experience without having to go into detail about what happened.

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