A Bed of Pain | Teen Ink

A Bed of Pain

October 6, 2016
By mikaylachavez BRONZE, Littleton , Colorado
mikaylachavez BRONZE, Littleton , Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm sad, nothing to look forward too. Another day, another mistake. A piece of me falls away everyday like leaves separating trees. My mind, a leafless tree, my heart empty. Nowhere to go, no one to go to. I continue to break away. All the leaves,,, GONE. Separating myself from this heartless world full of thieves and crooks and liars and cold hearted people. Becoming a person I fear, im living in a constant nightmear, unable to wake up. I fall away the world continues to spin and life goes on, but me i'm living through it, a leaf blowing blissfully in the wind nowhere to go but the properties of the world taking me by surprise. Ive wound up lost, incomplete, not at one with the world, by myself all alone. My thoughts eating away at me, screaming blearing in my ears   The breeze shivers through my spine and takes me through another journey, farther and farther away from the place I know, the scary dangerous place I used to call home. Digging deeper and deeper from the broken memories that lay repressed in the back of my mind. Constantly reminding me how something so whole shatters and breaks away instantly.  I'm back to the overwhelming sorrow that fills my days and my nights. Leaving me breathless and in despair. I've lost myself and who i was, so full of life and happy, looking back reminiscing those moments before I laid in a bed of pain. Struggling to let myself free hurting myself more and more. Nothing to embrace but the madness that has filled my mind and corrupted the universe within. Drowning myself in the unbearable pain, the pain of surviving this cruel world unable to release the power it has a hold on me. Now lying desperately among the road, no cry for help and suddenly I break, my bridle edges crumble against the cement and the little broken pieces of me blow away one by one into the sky going separate directions. My journey is over,  i've found my place no longer a leaf on a tree but a broken lonely leaf around the constant state of mind, nowhere to be seen any longer. The snow will soon fall and I will be washed away. What is gone, is gone. There's no going back.

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