We were not friends | Teen Ink

We were not friends

October 21, 2016
By bubblepop BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
bubblepop BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were not friends

One day we were not friends.
I didn’t like you and you didn’t like me.
I think we were just too different.
In the beginning you were puddy.
I could hug and care for you .
I like it. A lot .

Now you're aggravating  and blame me for things.
They  try to put us together but IT doesn't work out.
Remember you wouldn’t let me into the living room.
You could just cry and scream until someone got a headache and you got your way.
We aren’t friends.

You drive me insane but I do the same.
You may get your way a lot but most of the time we share.
You give headaches that hurt but you also give the best hugs.
You are my joy and my anger but I wouldn't want it any other way .
You are the most caring, sweetest and active person I know.

Your laugh and smile is necessary for me.
You’re a sun on a rainy day.
I would do anything for you .
I love you.

We might brawl from time to time.
We may be different.
But we aren't friends we're family that way better and that will never change.

The author's comments:

This peom was inspired by my little brother.I hope people who read this get that your siblings or any one that you are around a lot may drive you crazy and make you anger but at the end of the day you like them a lot and wouldn't change anything. 

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