Keep Walking | Teen Ink

Keep Walking

October 21, 2016
By Chlobin BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
Chlobin BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Keep walking

“Stay calm” I tell myself.
A whisper in my spinning world.
A soft voice when no others are heard.

I feel like an ant standing here.
I feel unimportant.
Like a piece of dust in a room full of magnificent people,
who mask to be greater than great.

The kings and queens rise above me.
My straight face transforms into a frown.
My eyes start to blur with water.
My hope won't stand me any higher.
I keep fighting.

Hope starts to rattle inside of me.
I listen to the queens giggling at me.
I stare at the faces of the kings looking me straight in the eyes.


I keep walking.
Not too slow that I get trapped and not too fast that I never learn.
I see the classroom straight ahead.
I see the door rimmed with golden light.

I did it!
No queens,
no kings.
Just me and an empty room of pure silence.

I kept fighting.
And I kept winning…
… Step
       … Walked
               …. Forward.

The author's comments:

I have personally not really expirienced this social situation. I wanted to write somthing that I feel like many people can realate to even if I cant. I wanted this poem to make people feel that no matter what you are going through you are strong and you can do this! I also wanted to give the messege that if you go through somthing to fast you will never learn from it and if you go to slow you will get trapped. This poem was one that I wanted the reader to stop and think about. 

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