Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

October 29, 2016
By Scrwibbles BRONZE, Coatsville, Pennsylvania
Scrwibbles BRONZE, Coatsville, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I intend to accept my body today,Love my body tomorrow & appreciate it always.

Where I am from
I am from the long docks and
Misty cold air,all my summers spent over there
I am from the old cassette tapes and shiney CDs
The old grandfather clock that towered over me
I am from the old honey bee hive on the old sicamore hill
One drop of honey and my tummy would be filled
I am from her cold boney hands,and miscolored eyes
And the fluffy pink cotton candy cloud skies
From,”i love you to the moon and stars and back mars”
I am from the accent trees,and from “i go as i please”
From the laffy taffy stuck in my teeth,and the rich soil beneath my feet
From my tree house swing,my door bells ding,and a songs bird sing
I am from centuries in scottland
The rolling hills and plentiful rocks
From his smile to hers
But my lineage dose not define me
The portfolio of paper packed away
With my name on them do not make me,me
I am from myself,who I am  Is because of me
And I am very happy

The author's comments:

This was written about my childhood memory of going to England and visiting family.For my great grandmother who im sure dosen't know who I am happy 100th birthday

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