Just One More | Teen Ink

Just One More

November 10, 2016
By DreamsandChanges SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
DreamsandChanges SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;In the end we are all just chalk lines on the pavement anyway&quot;<br /> -5 fingure death punch

“Here babe try this”
The hot but, cold cylinder rests across my finger tips.
“I’ve never...”
Dominating hands wrap around my defenseless ones
The small button slides smoothly.
“Suck and blow”
Once again refusal is not an option.
A sweet fruity fog blankets my mind,
Hot, fiery coals rake up from my chest.
Struggling for a breath.
A forced kiss, and with it needed air.
“Never try the real thing”
His hands holding the small device out to me
“I just want you safe”
The warning bells in my mind quiet.

It's been a year,
“You know I don’t think this is working any more”
Standing in front of me like a wall,
He blocks everything around us from reaching me.
“I don’t like you like that anymore”
He wraps his cage like arms around me
Like its supposed to make everything better

“One more?”
They ask, seeing my boney fingers empty.
The cigarette is light in my hands
A bright light, a flame
And with it the imaginary promise of warmth against the cold.
Lazy smoke twisting warnings into a starless sky.
The flickering ash is a dim mirror,
Copying the fire burning in my lungs.
Just one more before the night is through.

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