the maraud of a heart | Teen Ink

the maraud of a heart

December 8, 2016
By allykim131 BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
allykim131 BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i once had a whole heart.
i grew into it- made
it breathe and pulse with life.
i nurtured it and worked
hard to make sure it could
flourish. after all, the
reaped benefits of life
i received were always
worth it. and then i met

and i greeted you in
to my heart with open
doors to all four chambers.
i gave you life because
i first thought you were a
blessing sent from heaven
above. how foolish i
was- even the devil
was once a beautiful

when you became
abusive i tried to
shut you out, but you had
already pried open
every possible valve
and bound my arteries
and veins. i was fatigued
with heartbreak and i cried
when my feeble heartstrings

even when i was hunched
over in pain from them
physically snapping, still
then i couldn't fight back
because it was too late—
you had taken over
every aspect of my
soul. your onslaughts had
no trouble defeating

you were relentless- you
knew that your sweet soft talk
and sly smirk were weapons
of mass destruction that
my very cells. and yet
you tried to validate
and convince me that your
crimes could be excused as

you paid me with gifts of
jewelry and made
me love letters that i,
having always been the
naive believer who
still tried to see the best
sides of people and life,
caved and foolishly gave
you leeway to my soul

so you started taking
over my heart and blood
until it beat only
for you as i tried to
cling onto the last few
capillaries of what
used to be the organ
i once cherished and knew,
but is now under your

but you demanded more
and even now, even
when you say you admit
and acknowledge all of
your wrongdoings, you still
try to dominate my
poor heart completely and
monopolize the few
struggling heartstrings i have

you have the nerve to try
and hide the crimes you are
committing even at
this very moment, and
i don't know how long i
can withstand you but i
am tired of your abuse
and i have long since stopped
loving you, for you hurt

i once had a whole heart.
but now have little left
and i don't wish to die
at your cold hands. there is
only one last thing i
am able to say with
the last few beats of my
heart to you, or just to
anyone who sees my

save me.

-when i romanticize native american suffering, suddenly everything makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

The author's comments:

Despite the recent hard-earned victory for the Native Americans who protested against the Dakota Access Pipeline, America has continuously been oppressive and unjust towards Native Americans. Although this fact is taught in a majority of history classes across the country, the pain and impact that the Natives have had to suffer is understated. I hope that by re-telling their history from a more "appealing" point of view to most teenagers (through a romance story), people will be able to better understand and learn about one of our nation's most significant people.

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