The best friend | Teen Ink

The best friend

December 12, 2016
By Alex242 BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
Alex242 BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      Let me tell you about my Best friend
Everyone in life has a best friend
Someone you can spend time with on the weekend
Someone who loves you for being an idiot
Someone who to you is a  comedian

Let me tell you about my best friend
Fighting with your friend is never fun 
Sometimes you just want to shoot him with a shotgun
In the end your friend is with you to the end
because friendships can always mend

Let me tell you about my best friend
He is very competitive with me
When we have an argument you need a referee
Football, Movies, Trivia is always a battle with him
That sometimes I just want to cut off one of his limbs

Let me tell you about my best friend
He falls I laugh
I fall he laughs
Maybe that’s  just how our friendship is

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