Predator and Prey | Teen Ink

Predator and Prey

December 18, 2016
By PatriciaP. BRONZE, London, Other
PatriciaP. BRONZE, London, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"...Out of the ash i rise with my red hair, and i eat men like air." - Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath.

Her, my ex-lover slips into the world unnoticed,
As discreet as a shadow dressed in mourning, all black
Except that face that blooms like a lily. Possessing the
Smile of a corpse, she creates a coffin out of my heart.
Those eyes- eyes that spoke paragraphs of sorrow,
Regurgitated those empty words back at me:
            mad or
                                  I mad
                                              in love?

The author's comments:

Remember that blissful madness we call love? Yeah, me too. Oh, and this poem is also about that "red disease" (Anne Sexton anyone?)

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