We are Students | Teen Ink

We are Students

January 13, 2017
By ewatson0419 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
ewatson0419 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Student runs her finger through her hair
She exhales loudly, when she thinks of all her upcoming tests
Her black glasses frames surround her blue tired eyes
She bounces her knee anxiously during the lecture
Her pencil dances across the notes page
She listens alertly-
Like a meerkat
She sits straight up in her chair, with her legs folded
And her necklace draped around her neck
She raises her hand, only half way, but stretches her fingers
She answers “x=46”

Student lounges back, legs open
He has one headphone in his ear,
and the other hangs down the side of his Vans sweatshirt
He taps his pencil to the beat
of whichever song blasts through his ears
He yawns loudly
Unbothered by the teacher trying to educate him
He sips from his mountain dew can
Pulls out his phone and grunts, “Math is so boring”

Student sits up with a smirk on her face
She opens up her iPhone camera to check out her makeup
Her eyes gaze over to her crush in the back corner
She giggles and beams in his direction
Wearing her Purple LOVE PINK sweatshirt
And painted on gray leggings
She reapplies her cherry lip gloss
And takes a selfie to document the important moment
She turns to the girl next to her and says
“Sarah, you didn’t comment on my last Instagram post are you mad at me?”

I am all of these students
Pieces of them in me
And pieces of me in them
We worry too much about the future
And care too much about what we think about each other
We say things we don't mean
And when we do we regret it
We forget to tell our parents we love them
And we bicker with our siblings after a long day
We have a favorite song that brightens our mood
And a favorite book that changed how we see life
We struggle to get the perfect amount of sleep
And we get in fights with our friends
We procrastinate assignments that we’ve known about for weeks
And we hate ourselves when we actually have to do them
We try too hard to fit in, and when we do-
We want to stand out again
We cry over homework
Make dumb jokes with our friends that nobody else will understand
Burn the popcorn in the microwave
Roll our eyes when we don’t think anyone is looking
And beat ourselves up over things that won’t matter in 5 years
But we all have something that we are passionate about
And it keeps us going.

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