What Was Left In Winter | Teen Ink

What Was Left In Winter

March 21, 2017
By danaccab PLATINUM, Amissville, Virginia
danaccab PLATINUM, Amissville, Virginia
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The beginning of purpose is found in creating something that only you understand." -Tyler Joseph

What was left

in Winter

will not see Spring.

Will not see 

it's warm rays

of gold thaw

the frigid earth

revealing life 

in bursting fits 

of emerald green

and crystal blue.

Will not hear 

song return to

fill the air,

carried by 

a fresh breeze

that rustles young


Will not taste 

sweet perfumed air,

water crisp 

and cool.

Will not feel

amber heat

change the 


the air thick 

and sticky.

Will not smell

the musky 

aftermath of rain

mixing with

fragrant blooms.

What was left

in Winter, 

will not see Spring.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the death of my cat on Christmas last year. It seems a little odd to write about a cat, but he meant a lot to me. 

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