Poetry Slam | Teen Ink

Poetry Slam

November 3, 2017
By emilyhill20 BRONZE, DeMotte, Indiana
emilyhill20 BRONZE, DeMotte, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you can only regret the chances you didn't take

Poety is so personal.

Your thoughts do not need to be shared with the whole world.

Thoughts should be kept where they were made,

which is in your own mind.


Who honestly sits down and reads poems?

You sit there confused,

and have to think about what everything means.

who needs that constant rhyming,

weird patterns, and all the comparisons?

Reading a poem is like defining a word without a word to define,

oh wait that was a comparison.


Poetry is so over used,

its all aboutanger, depression,

but worst worst worst of all is love.

I bet you that there's already been 50 love poems written today.


Now lets talk about all of the ridiculous rules,

I will make it rhyme if I want it to rhyme,

I will make 10 syllable sentenses if I want to make it 10 syllable sentences

I will go AB AB if I want it to go AB AB.


Poems are way to complex.

Why can't you just make it simple?

You don't need all of those fancy words,

you can get your point across in a much simpler way. 


Now let's talk about the length,

the poem is over when the poem is over. 

You can't forcefully add extra lines, because they do not fit.

With that being said this poem is now over,

officially over.

The author's comments:

This piece is humorous and enjoyable for people who don't care about poetry. It flows together and has made many laugh. It's one of the first poems I wrote and I have been told to share it and put it out there. Hope you enjoy it!:)

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