Her Escape | Teen Ink

Her Escape

December 7, 2017
By AliceKing420 SILVER, Sheridan, Wyoming
AliceKing420 SILVER, Sheridan, Wyoming
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're all mad here."

She can’t run from the feeling,
The pain from him leaving,
No, She can’t take it anymore

She needs a release,
The urges increase,
The pain is leaving her sore.

She wants him to hold,
Without him, she’ll fold,
But she knows she’s just a bore.

She loved him right,
She’ll always miss the night,
But now she feels like a wh**e.

She’s been used,
She’s been abused,
She can only handle so much more.

She cut,
He saw it but,
He couldn’t do anything he swore.

This was her escape,
He stood there agape,
Her life is no more.

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