A Fantasy World | Teen Ink

A Fantasy World

November 28, 2017
By irismiller16 BRONZE, Pepper Pike, Ohio
irismiller16 BRONZE, Pepper Pike, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a world of chocolate candies and styrofoam lollipops in a winter wonderland.
I glide into the stunningly beautiful room of damsels.
But instead of in distress, their princess-like manners are graceful and free.

Peering up, I’m in awe of the hot-glued snowflakes hanging from the ceilings
As delicate as a ballerina spinning quietly and perfectly executing a jete, but the desperation of hours of hard work and late nights shining through.

The evil gingerbread men with clown-like grins hold in the secrets of the young boys they’ve ran from.
Red-hot buttons stacked from head to toe with the frosted elegance of lime green bow ties.
But the warm aroma of grandma’s kitchen and Christmas Eve excites me.

Tinsel and mistletoe fulfills the missing piece of romance everyone longs.
Soon to be fiances plead for the forever happiness of marriage.
But the hidden mystery of the affair hanging over them like the silver glowing glam over the doorway.

Cheerful tunes and jingling bells cover up the Ho Ho Ho’s of the ex-con dressed up as a hero to all children.
The harmonies and melodies of Pentatonix's “Mary, Did You Know?” give off a quaint feeling of innocence.
But Mary.
Did you know?

Evergreens spiral from the floor to the tippy-top of the ceiling.
The warmth of sparkly bulbs of glowing lights hug the masterpiece.
Dark green devours the home of the Abominable and Rudolph, but does everyone survive the harsh story?

And the cheerful children.  Still in their youth.
Setting out cookies by the fireplace and acting surprised when opening the gift you didn’t peek at early.
But if you don’t take advantage of those moments, you’ll look back one day and ponder upon every snowflake that passed you by.

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