Flight BUT-TER-FLY | Teen Ink


December 12, 2017
By Alyssa Wulf SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Alyssa Wulf SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wishfully waiting, while in the line,
sounds and sights of the room draw you in.
As you enter, your stress dissolves at
the bright, beauty of the butterflies.
You are overjoyed and overwhelmed
by the autonomous atmosphere.
Relaxing relief rushes on you,
as vivid colors ignite the sky.
You strive to feel the butterfly’s touch.

Clear, ceaseless water calms your senses,
as it fearlessly flows through the room.
Creatures created to change and grow,
their beauty captures your attention.
Flight, swifter than a plane in the sky,
reflects light off of their waving wings.
You reach out, hoping to catch just one,
but the butterflies don’t seem to care.
You strive to feel the butterfly’s touch.

They hop from tree to tree up above,
and fearlessly flap around your face.
You try again to capture just one,
but they avoid your hand once more.
You panic as time is running out,
afraid you may never get the chance.
Tiny, thin legs trickle down your arm.
You look down to see a sweet surprise;
you’re pleased to feel the butterfly’s touch.

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