Faith Of The Faithless | Teen Ink

Faith Of The Faithless

December 27, 2017
By Akaansh BRONZE, Fbd , Other
Akaansh BRONZE, Fbd , Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is said that pain is found everywhere. That is untrue.
Pain is only found in the sufferer.
It's a part of him. It might as well be him.

There is always an observer that is set upon the one who suffers.
The suffering sufferer knows of his observer yet he doesn't know him as he is omnipresent.
The observer gazes upon him from the sky.
The sky is the barrier that separates them both.
There will come a day when both are met.

The sufferer is gutted and thrown. He feels the presence of the eye.
He is entangled in electric currents. He felt the eye blinking.
His eyes gouged out. The eye blinks.
He writhes and agonizes.

He continues his walk through the years.
The sky cracks. Yet remains crack-less.
He senses his time is near.
He thinks about his meeting with the one who's always at him.
The day feels near.
He has no emotion for the day.

He sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
He sees the end.
He is mistaken.
''He mistook the stars reflected at the surface of the lake at night for the heavens.''

His agony returns.
He lives again.
Lives many a time.
Suffers many a time.
He drifts away in despair and contempt.

The sky cracks open. The earth meets the sky.
He weeps. He can finally meet the eye. The one who was always watching. The one who knows everything, feels everything, understands everything.
He screams his greetings.
No one replies.
There was no observer.
But it didn't matter now.
He slipped into nothingness.

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