Straight From the Heart | Teen Ink

Straight From the Heart

January 7, 2018
By SanjanaB BRONZE, North Brunswick, New Jersey
SanjanaB BRONZE, North Brunswick, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You do not need a pearly-white canvas

to create a work of art,

for art is simply an embodiment

of the knowledge one imparts.

You may have but a scrap of lined paper,

or a box of old pastels--

this is enough, for the tools don’t matter;

it's whether the art excels.

The blue lines on your scrap of paper

are flat earth for you to sculpt,

enchanting landscapes and scenery

are to emerge as a result.

Your old pastels are your handy tools

with which you are hew

a mythical sculpture that’s one of a kind,

original and new.

So, whether you’re planning to compose a song,

carve an image on wood,

decorate a mantel, sew a dress,

or do anything else you could,

before you do, just remember:

you don’t need tools to make art.

You only need a creative boost

that comes straight from the heart.

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