Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 26, 2018
By Arcturus_Nix SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Arcturus_Nix SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I live to make you smile,and there's nothing I'd rather do" - Mark FishBach

I am from Stitches, scars and half broken hearts;
Scissors slicing through thin skin
Only scared my nonna would yell for bloody carpet stains,
A swing falling out from underneath me as I flew off
Iron, red, and nothing else,
my father saying “You can’t get into the art industry! You’re not good enough!”
vowing to prove him wrong the next day.


From hope, love, and support
Fighting back to get my life back
Against the bullies who made me feel useless,
Long distance relationships made online
Laughing like a hyena and crying like a child
Coming out of the closet as Pansexual
Happy tears and bear hugs


I am from youtube communities, family and friends
“Top’a’the’mornin to ya laddies!” -Jacksepticeye
Laughing and smiling in my darkest days,
Family Photos scatter the house
80’s smiles and dorky kids
“You can do this, Nina!” - friend
Group hugs and cheek kisses


From Second chances, Songs and sharpie tattoos
Giving lost friends another chance
Learning people could change if given the chance
Nightcore, bon jovi, Bastille
Dancing fingers, like a piano is present
Inky designs up my arm
Rolling eyes and curious kids


I am from those moments and things
A video of paths taken that has no views
But a video that shows who I am nonetheless

The author's comments:

This is where I'm from, how about you?

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