Dusk and Dawn | Teen Ink

Dusk and Dawn

April 25, 2018
By Briar_Rose SILVER, Greenwood, Arkansas
Briar_Rose SILVER, Greenwood, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow." - Walt Disney

The haze of evening falls
As we just begin to play,
Chasing the frogs’ calls
As the sky turns to gray.

We dance with the lightning bugs,
As they flicker before our eyes.
On my sleeve you tug,
Ready to say your goodbyes.

How could you want to leave so soon?
The stars are just arriving
With the bright, lovely moon.

Aren’t you entranced with this astral beauty?
Aren’t you stunned with the life of night?
I don’t understand how you cannot see what I see.
I don’t understand why you only glorify the daylight.

An echoing cry of the great owl
Shakes you up inside.
You cling to me tight as the wolves howl,
Hiding your face and wanting to cry.

I am a child of night, you are a child of dawn
Now here the birds are just arriving
With the bright, lovely sun.

The author's comments:

This poem is about to siblings who are polar opposites but still try to embrace the other's loves and passions. The sibling representing Dusk is attempting to show Dawn what makes them happy and while open-minded, Dawn does not particularly like it themselves. Dusk realizes this and questions how they could feel such a way. But then the night turns to day and while not written about, Dawn gets their chance to present their loves and passions to Dusk, ultimately bringing them closer as siblings now that they understand each other better.

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