Silence | Teen Ink


May 23, 2018
By conwayosc SILVER, Lenexa, Kansas
conwayosc SILVER, Lenexa, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I befriended silence young,
hoping it would dissolve my sin,
like sugar on tongue.

Me and silence became the best of friends,
instead of friends I had silence to count on.
It was more reliable than people that depends.

I bit my tongue at every interaction,
kept my mouth closed,
because sometimes there was less of a reaction.

Silence spoke better for me,
unlike my peers I did not unleash my secrets,
keeping them locked away in my own personal sea.

But when people mistook my silence for submission,
Was when I started fighting with the quietness,
Silence no longer fit my position.

The absence of silence led me to you,
And for those words you poured onto me,
I eternally thank you.

The author's comments:

To a friend who taught me to speak.

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