Performance of Passion | Teen Ink

Performance of Passion

June 10, 2018
By Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

room crowded with noises- but in the room we all remain silent.
“The gift we give to this audience is so special. It’s all about you putting your heart, your mind, your soul of 150 people and giving that to audience. It’s amazing,” Mr. Pallada saying in a confident voice. In the silence- you can hear Austin giggling in the back. His immature giggles fill the room as he has a crude smirk on his face.
“What is our main goal for this performance,” Andrea asked seriously. She looked nervous like she was ready to run away.
But we knew the answer to her question. I had the feeling that my heart was faster than my body. We were all walking out to the field with this overwhelming confidence. This feeling of pride grew in my heart. Passion a gift more powerful than any other.

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