You Haven't Lived Until | Teen Ink

You Haven't Lived Until

June 10, 2018
By Jack_Steampunk_ BRONZE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Jack_Steampunk_ BRONZE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Make it awesome, then make it make sense. - Brandon Sanderson

‘You haven’t lived till...’ that common phrase we hear before trying let’s say:

A Starbucks,

a thrilling amusement ride,

perhaps a beer your may had earlier than you are supposed to.

Let me tell you what you haven’t lived until you’ve done:
You haven’t lived until you admitting to lying to someone’s face.
You haven’t lived until you make a fatal mistake that you cannot take back.
You haven’t lived until you embrace someone who it meant the world to. But to you it was nothing.
You haven’t lived until you've laughed out loud for no reason.
You haven’t lived until your life was in someone else’s hands.
You haven’t lived until someone else’s life was in your hands.
You haven’t lived until you’ve looked into someone eyes and you knew it would be the last time you saw them.
You haven’t lived until someone you loved betrays you so fully. But, you still can’t stop loving them because you know they would never want to hurt you.
You haven’t lived until you have found someone who loves you without condition, without reward, without any sense or reason, and you love them back the same way.
Finally, you haven’t lived until you close your eyes for the final time, a tear rolling down your face, as you think of that person who gave you a hug, gave you a promotion, gave you their life, and gave you their love. All you had to do was live.
Then you have lived.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem for my parents, as a final goodbye to my friends and fellow students at Sir John A. Macdonald High School. I wish you the best guys. Give me a call from heaven if you have lived, maybe just a call in general, tell me if you've done something great, perhaps something you aren't too proud of. Whatever the case, live the best lives you can guys. Forever a Flame.

Warmest of wishes. Jack_Steampunk. 

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