We are all outcast | Teen Ink

We are all outcast

June 11, 2018
By Jem BRONZE, Lacey, Washington
Jem BRONZE, Lacey, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People hide in the darkness of artifical light.

To blinded by remote controlled smiles,

And all the pretty packadge happiness


To worried if there shirt matches their shoes,

If their eyes are to dull or their stomach to full.

Full of the idea of achieving perfect In this life we play like a game


A game where perfect is never the same,

So we mold our souls 'till we are told how perfect we are.

People act like their phones are their homes, 

like death will come with its cold hands if you loose your phone.


To worried about inactivity to realize we are in captivity.

Being held back by the words in our mind,

And our minds will make us hide behind a mask,

Makeing us hang out with the cool friends,

Who dare us to chug the flask.


A flask that decidse weither we are the outcast.

Cast to the side of society,

Filling our empty souls with anxiety,

But when do we look in the mirror and realize

We are all an outcast.


Cast into a life you knew would never last.

I say it is time to brake the mask,

And finally see true light.

The author's comments:

This poem is about people who change themselves to 'fit in'. Even though I dont have a problem with this I wrote this poem after watching alot of short videos about it.

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