The People We Love | Teen Ink

The People We Love

October 7, 2021
By Sandystorm711 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Sandystorm711 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love was no longer jealousy, it was peace"

Loving can be hard
The people you love deserve 
More than what they get

The people you love 
deserve More than what they get
More than you can give

But we have to try
Because we are by their side
When they need us most

The author's comments:

Sometimes we don't know how to help or show love to the people we care about. This is about the effort we put in to the relationships we have with the people closest to us and how we try our best even if we don't give them everything we think they need all the time. We might not know how to care for them, but we try our best and thats what matters.

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