Rescue Me | Teen Ink

Rescue Me

May 6, 2013
By Tamica BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
Tamica BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"rules are for ordinary people to think life is fair." -tim taddicken

Please be my Spider-man so I can kiss you in the rain
And Rescue me from a spinning web of pain
Please be my Batman, and come when I call
Swoop in when I'm crying, hide me from the fall
Please be my Superman and lift me when I’m down
Fly to the ends of the world to keep me from a frown
Please be my Hulk and get angry when I’m bullied
Smash all the haters away from the worried
Please be my Iron-man repair my broken heart
Create a new life with me, trust me a brand new start
Save me from the world. I’m scared, my hope is at zero
Rescue me from myself please be my Hero

The author's comments:
After a breakup with my boyfriend, my friends took me out to go see the Avengers for the first time, and that is where I got the inspiration for this poem.

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