Lake of Sorrow and Fear | Teen Ink

Lake of Sorrow and Fear

December 5, 2013
By BritBrit2197 BRONZE, Clear Lake, Wisconsin
BritBrit2197 BRONZE, Clear Lake, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cherry blossoms sing
In wisps through bloodshot arches
And lie in spring tears.

Through this pond of sobs,
We wash our ache far away
To grant ourselves bliss.

To obtain courage,
By loss of fear and weakness,
We grow with honor.

And expand our wings,
To catch merit; we must soar
And rise above all.

To see truth in fate,
The lake of sorrow and fear
Guides anybody.

The world offers us
This chance to choose our footpath,
But Lake is our lead.

He is the wisdom
And a friend who will be there
Anytime, at all.

Lost, a saboteur
That disrupts destiny
And will thwart your quest.

If she interferes,
Find the light in the darkness,
And seek mortal rights.

Fight for the noble,
Follow the cherry blossoms,
And let mere protect.

Harm will recede, but
Remind yourself who you are.
Remain uniform.

The gale will ease you.
The lagoon will channel you.
The Earth will move you.

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