A Son's Murder | Teen Ink

A Son's Murder

May 22, 2018
By Anonymous

Haiku #1 weeks before the murder.

I’m nervous for him
He isn’t acting normal.
He might kill someone.

Haiku #2 during the murder.

He isn’t at home.
Where is he so late at night
He might kill someone.

Haiku #3 after the murder

Why would he do that
I thought that I raised him right.
He just killed someone.

The author's comments:

This is a Haiku, based off the story, Tell Tale heart by Edgar Allan Poe. After reading it, I decided to make an haiku from the perspective of the mother of the murderer. She isn't talked about in the story, but I thought it would be interesting to write about what she was thinking, and all the important things that were going through her mind, at and around the time of the murder.

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