We are the people | Teen Ink

We are the people

April 15, 2020
By ewhell BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
ewhell BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We are the people

The people that destroy

The people that invent

The people that take

Anything we supposedly can’t

We are the people

That are forced to be divine perfection

That are forced to be a whole

Shunned if you can’t

Who are we anyway?

We are the people

That lock ourselves away

Frantically looking for happiness

Looking for comfort

Looking to burden others with our troubles, as if they don’t have any

We are the people

Who prioritize ourselves

Who sits in front of a piece of carefully assembled metal

Whose' life depends on what this metal says

Who wants fame and gratification from everyone and not within

We are the people

Who shy away from being different

Who wants nothing more than to accomplish their dreams

What's after the dream for them


We are the people

Who are foolish and naive

Who see others’ highlight reel

And compare it to our reality

Because we always search for more, of everything we can’t attain

 Because we are the people.   

The author's comments:

Sometimes I believe we rely too much on social media representing a fake image of others and make that a goal for what we want to be like. Sometimes standards laid out by others force us out of a dream that we want, and that isn't right.

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