There is a God | Teen Ink

There is a God

March 18, 2011
By Anonymous

Black Hole eating me away
My love refuses to stay
I am alone
I just want to go home
I cannot live this way
No more lonely days
I’m tired of the hurt
I’m treated like dirt
My bridges have been burnt
I have no where to turn
Can’t see the light, only rain
I turn to causing pain
Tears of blood
Lungs of mud
Razor on wrist
I don’t want to exist
But what is it I see?
Can gloom turn to glee?
I see an angel rise
With beautiful hazel eyes
I know, just by her smile
I want to share her child
To take on life, hand in hand
To be her caring man
My life begins a new era
With an angel named Sarah

The author's comments:
I have an angel

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 13 2011 at 4:57 pm
Yasamen_Denise BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
3 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's so hard to look up when you've been looking down for so long.

This is so deep! love it!