Masks of martyrs | Teen Ink

Masks of martyrs

January 31, 2013
By AnaAaliyah275 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AnaAaliyah275 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You must be the change you want to see in the world"- Gandhi
"A ship is safe in harbor, but that is not what a ship was built for” – William H Shedd
Falling down is how we grow. Staying down is how we die.
--Brian Vaszily

She scanned over the words engraved on her face
It hurt when she touched them but continued to trace
She scrambled to treat them but more showed up to harm her
Cutting through her now worn and weak armor
Her tears burned the slashes the pain lashed out harder
Inflicting their pain onto her, their tormented martyr
She was a sacrifice for their pain and shame
They say the same evil that was once spewed at their name
They try to wilt such a beauty from petal to stem
Throwing the same stones that were once thrown at them
It only took one look and they felt haunted
She was the living persona of everything they've ever wanted
But looks are deceiving her smile was only skin deep
No one saw it wash away with the tears in her sleep
The marks run up and down her arms saying more than words can tell
They’re a one way ticket to her own personal hell
Internally she was screaming your words were branded through her skin
You can’t see the damage you've done on the outside looking in
You bruised her, punched her, kicked her, and beat her to the ground
The laughing and cheering drowned out her blood chilling sound
You claim it was harmless play. I t was deadly from the start
Might as well have drilled a stake through her still beating heart
It only became clear to you on that fatal day
When she said “enough is enough” and took to heart all you had to say
Your nothing, your worthless, your useless, your cheap
You chanted as you crowded around her leading your cowardly sheep
All your malicious words replayed in her head
Inching her closer and closer she’s the real life walking dead
She let go you put out your hand but she was already 1000ft down
You’re trying to catch a body already on the ground
Where were you when she was trying to stay balanced on the ledge?
You were throwing stones at her battered body till she fell off the edge
Now you write in your book as you over look the stands
Writing an overdue apology letter with her blood on your hands

The author's comments:
This poem shows the true drastic effects of bullying that people seem to be over looking. You never know who is at deaths door.

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