upon a battlefield | Teen Ink

upon a battlefield

February 15, 2013
By seranos BRONZE, Triangle, Virginia
seranos BRONZE, Triangle, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Upon a battlefield, stand 2 knights noble
They have names, Sorrow and Hope
Both knights strong and able
Both wield weapons, strong and mighty

These weapons have names,
Names of Rage and Joy
Forged in opposite knights’ flames,
In forges of Hope and Sorrow

Rage, a mighty double bladed ax,
It is powerful, but at a cost,
It can give strength, but as it hacks,
It tears at your soul.

Joy, a powerful 2 handed blade,
It is more powerful that Rage,
But more difficult to be made,
It is forged in a forge of despair.

The knights strode to each other.
Each wielding their weapons.
Who will prevail against the other?
This is not my choice, but yours.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this was my own struggle between hope and sorrow. i hope people will choose which of the emotions, or knights, wins.

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