If............... | Teen Ink


July 16, 2013
By Anonymous

If you count your happiness,
Not your grief.
If you are the giver,
Not the thief.
If you are born to give
And not to take.
If you can give yourself
For others sake.

If you can give
Without getting in return.
If from every mistake
A new lesson you learn.
If during a disaster
You don't just sit and cry.
If in every new trouble
You wont give up without a try.

If you can smile
While you are breaking inside,
If you can pray,
To soothe a friend's mind.
If in every darkness
A new hope you see.
You are a person,
Only you were born to be.

The author's comments:
Our lives have become so mechanical nowadays that we dont really pause to think about how we can improve ourselves to be better human beings.

This is for those people who wish to live for others first and then for themselves.

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on Aug. 1 2013 at 11:34 am
I_Love_To_Write BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
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