FrEeDoM | Teen Ink


October 8, 2013
By Infiniteloser23 BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
Infiniteloser23 BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yes. I will admit it, i say one thing and do another. Don't call me a liar. Call me a human."
~Alivia M. Duncan-Miller~

Some call it noise, others call it crap

To me it's more than just reggae and rap

Music is my life

It helps me face my toughest strifes

Maybe it doesn't do much for you

But when no one else was there music got me through

When music hits me I feel no pain

Listening to everyone's stories through lyrics helps my knowledge gain

Music helps me think big

Music helps me like a shovel helps a miner dig

One day the world will understand why 

Until then I keep dreaming high

You don't have to believe in me at all 

But don't start believing when I'm standing like a tree, healthy and tall

Music is the key to all my inspiration 

The bass in music moves me with such vibration

Music is my fErEdOm

Music is the strength in walls of my kingdom

The author's comments:
My personal opinion

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