Over-Complication | Teen Ink


December 1, 2015
By AbigailGC BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
AbigailGC BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Periphrasis, consonance, and hyperbole,
Antithesis, asyndeton, and metonymy—
These names are absurd
For plays on some words;
It’s obscurity at its epitome!

The author's comments:

In AP English class this year, I had to memorize an extensive list of "literary rhetorical devices" that are commonly used by the best and most famous writers and speakers. As soon as a looked at the list for the first time, I was speechless at the dozens of names I couldn't even pronounce! All of these terms are some sort of play on words (for example, asyndeton is when conjunction[s] are omitted for a dramatic effect, and antithesis is when two opposite ideas/things are placed next to each other in a sentence while including parallel sentence structure). The elusiveness of these seemingly absurd names prompted the inspiration for this limerick. 

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