Are You Thristy Right Now | Teen Ink

Are You Thristy Right Now

February 19, 2016
By Anonymous

“I don’t drink water,”
“You don’t need to drink it,”
“It doesn’t really matter!”
“Don’t go and have a fit,”

“You got it with pond scum,”
“I promise you it’s healthy,”
“I’d rather have rum,”
“You can’t and we’re not wealthy,”

“Why do I feel so sick?”
“Wait, there’s metal in the pipes,”
“You poisoned me, prick!”
“It’s not bad; you’ll only get stripes,”

“You’ll pay me back,”
“You chose to drink it, I’m not at fault,”
“You’re skull will have a crack,”
“There’s no time; I choose to vault,”

“The pain!”

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