When the Stars have Fallen | Teen Ink

When the Stars have Fallen MAG

August 18, 2023
By Me2008 PLATINUM, Houghton, New York
Me2008 PLATINUM, Houghton, New York
23 articles 106 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
And one day, the girl with the books became the woman writing them.

Even when the stars have fallen,
When the oceans all run dry,
Although the mountains start
to shake,
And darkness fills the sky,

When the endless night comes crashing through
I’ll still be there to comfort you
And I won’t ever leave again
Through high and low, from start
to end.

Even when the night is calling,
And says I shouldn’t even try,
I’ll stand beside the fallen stars,
And lift them to the sky.

When the cold just never seems
to end,
I’ll still be there for you my friend,
And I won’t ever walk away,
From start to finish, night and day.

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This article has 2 comments.

Flower2811 said...
on Feb. 15 at 10:43 am
Flower2811, Porto, Other
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“ Those windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry”- Taylor Swift

This is beautiful, I hope to write like this some day, I’m adding this to my favourites!

on Sep. 11 2023 at 2:16 pm
Bumble_Bee PLATINUM, New Athens, Illinois
38 articles 2 photos 123 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You will be found" -Dear Evan Hansen

This is such a cute and sweet poem!! I love the rhyme scheme and the way it all flows together! It's so cute to think about someone singing this to somebody else. Love your writing! Keep up the good work!! <33