Human Symphony | Teen Ink

Human Symphony

May 26, 2010
By laylacinco BRONZE, Hanover, Maryland
laylacinco BRONZE, Hanover, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Verse 1
You can be my melody,
and I can be your syncopated drum.
I will follow behind thee,
and never wonder what I have become.
Dangerous and yet so calm,
like a river merged into a sea.
The water soft, current strong,
Just sit back and watch what we can be.

'Cause I'm your girl forever
And we shall reign forever

Verse 2
You can be my melody,
and I can be your syncopated drum.
I will follow behind thee,
and never wonder what I have become.
Finally, we are one,
two destined souls joined in unity.
Allowing fate to take its course,
Just sit backa nd watch what we will be.


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