Dear angel, please don't let me fall | Teen Ink

Dear angel, please don't let me fall

July 6, 2010
By Otter BRONZE, Roseburg, Oregon
Otter BRONZE, Roseburg, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A dream you dream alone is only a dream.A dream you dream together becomes reality.<br /> ~John Lennon

1st verse
As you hold my face to meet my wandering gaze searching for what's there you seek the answers to your thoughts that race across my ravaged mind
Dear sweet angel of mine don't let me fall into heavens arms without you guide me home on wings of love and know our hearts can finally be one and above
2nd verse
You hold me close to keep me warm your promise made without a word you'll never leave me its all a dream that your really mine I don't understand your reasoning why you love me why you'll say you stay but i'm glad that you do because life without you would be a nightmare to sadly come true
chorus x1
3rd verse
These imputent laws they have set for life no longer do they pertain to us would it matter anyway when they exist in disarray so many broken so many made yet we remain unwritten I've rethought through all my inclkinations i realize now i need not be afraid in every word that you whisper i hear their truth and i know i love you
Chorus x1
I love you is all i can say
Your my angel the guardian of my life you'll never let me go i know this now thank you angel for not letting me fall

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