Hide Away | Teen Ink

Hide Away

September 27, 2010
By Anonymous

Hide Away
I can see though, your every move.
I want you, to love me.
I want you, in my arms.
At least that’s what I thought.
But now you’ve, changed my path.
And now you’re, after me.
Can I ask one question?
What’s up with that?
I will run away, I will hide away, I will keep away from you. I will stay away, I will not come near you, cause the pain you put me through. But it’s not you, it’s the things you say and do.
~verse 2~
When you turned my head, I turned around.
Fell in love, with someone else.
She loves me, and I love her.
So just go away (echo)
So go away, run away, I don’t need you! Can’t take the pain your causing me!
Life never works out the way you want it to! so take away your worthless sympathy!
~Chorus x2~
No It’s not you~ it’s the things you say and do.

The author's comments:
I made this up one day as I was riding the bus home one day. my first song out of many ^_^ Enjoy~!

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