I Knew I'd Fall In Love | Teen Ink

I Knew I'd Fall In Love

September 29, 2010
By Kimberly-LeeAnn BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Kimberly-LeeAnn BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you&#039;re not first then you&#039;re last&quot;<br /> -Ricky Bobby .

At first I didnt know what I was getting into And you didnt know all ive been through But now I know this love is true Youre taking my heart places it never knew As people and companions we both grew No matter what happens you'll be my boo I knew I'd fall in love one day but not so soon I knew I'd fall in love one day just not with you I'd be lost without you But somehow I'd make it through I know god loves me becasue he sent me to you I fall asleep with a smile because I wake up to you Youre my everything and this is no lie Youre my world without you I'd die Youre there to comfort me when I cry. I knew I'd fall in love one day but not so soon I'd knew I'd fall in love one day but not with you

The author's comments:
These song lyrics are bits and pieces from a song I made about a month ago.

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