Glass | Teen Ink


November 15, 2010
By SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
SweetXDreams GOLD, Londonderry, Vermont
10 articles 11 photos 0 comments

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I have found the Paradox,<br /> If you love until it hurts<br /> There can be no more hurt<br /> Only love.

Watch me fold in

Like a paper doll

Tossed upon the vast ocean.

Maybe this is perfection

This pain.

Promise me this lie

Will never spew from

Those ever red lips.

I'll see you on the other side of

The glass divide.

I have left my finger prints

Covering the gaps between

Myself and reality.

Goodbye my love.

Goodbye forever

This is the end

This is the endeavour

I cant see no more

I cant see this life

Everything is fogged up

And left to dice


Chance is all we have

The fate that I live

The fate that you die

And who's to decide

Whats yours or mine

God or is there

A higher power

Waiting there with nothing

But this gun powder

Will he even look me the eye

Or will he just cry

And say

Look what you have done

How selfish can you be

To take a life

Or blame death on me

It was all up to you

In the end

I didn't pull the trigger

All I did was make the gun

It was up to you

Look what you have done

How selfish can you be

Looking back on everything

Would I change how I am

Would I change me

This is the key

To living forever

Don't forget to remember

The ones who loved you

No matter what you did.

I'm falling apart at the seems

Don't you know what i mean

Its too late now

The time has passed

Goodbye my love

Goodbye forever

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