She can stay | Teen Ink

She can stay

December 4, 2010
By SarahhS2 GOLD, Amelia, Virginia
SarahhS2 GOLD, Amelia, Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every artist was first an amateur. <br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson

She can stay, she can stay, Wondrous, Anonymous, at the end of the day.
We do this over and over, can there be a end? Beautiful Release, Beautiful...defend.


She can stay this time, I'm tired of choosing, Tired of loosing.. Here I am, lost again. She can stay, I'll close my eyes
and try to breathe..It's getting harder everyday, so she can stay. There's no need for lies, no more..No cries.
Suffocating, in yourself..Breathe breathe..

Purest of purest in their eyes, Or darkest denial in her cry. Those longings of longings are lost within,
Be comfortable with me, are you comfortable with Sin?


Do you know how hard... this is?
Do you know how it.. all could end?
You don't know what I..m th..inking.
You don't know what's happening..

She couldn't stay, Cuz it's not the end.. Maybe now it wont be pretend.
Maybe now she knows what it's like.. To choose a path and lose your fight.
But now she can stay with you, now you can feel it too.

The author's comments:
this came from experience.. I guess i the meaning kinda comes from.. trying to find out who you are..and noticing that theres pain... then theres happiness.

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