Shatter me | Teen Ink

Shatter me

December 4, 2010
By SarahhS2 GOLD, Amelia, Virginia
SarahhS2 GOLD, Amelia, Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every artist was first an amateur. <br /> Ralph Waldo Emerson

A broken heart is like a broken Glass, it was fixed but it never last. Now and again you can tell yourself it's alright, But you always fall apart in the
Sensitivity, take a blow. Knock me down, have your go.
Break me out, shatter me thorough.
Shatter me, shatter me.. we cant break you.

Take me down, another deep pathed road. Make me into this person, you must know. Hold me down, and fill me with these thoughts.. I'd never say
it.. before.. But you mold me now, into this person i'll become,
And I'll breathe again, before i know it, so.. Take me down.. agaain.

So it's like your unbreakable, is it only me? I fall apart, at the scene. is that you, so everyone can see? How am i made so differently?
Did you tear me, did you break me, did you accidentaly.. bump into this big crash that wasn't meant to be..?
Do you regret it.. now? Would you admit it.. how?
Are you happy.. did you accoplish your goals?


will you take a hammer to me? maybe that'll be eaasy. Your numb inside yourself, did I get it from you? maybe.. one or two, maybe i can blamee you.
Did you ever think before.. before you became a big uproar? Like i could figure these things out.. weren't you meant to be so proud?

Yeah you took me down that rocky path of yours.. you never cared if it ever hurt me. no, you never thought of anyone but yourself. could you
ever get out of your own hell?
Now i'm filled with these scars, hey, honey are you proud?

Take me down that path. Make me who i am. Make me who iiii am. Shatter me, shatter me. Shatter me, shatter meee.

The author's comments:
This is really really old. But i wrote it because i felt a bunch of feelings at once.. it's kinda reflecting the ..influences of mine.

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