Dancing with the Angels | Teen Ink

Dancing with the Angels

March 10, 2011
By Anonymous

She's up there with him
When she was down here
She fought for her life to finally to be with him
Love was the word down here

But now she's in our heart
She's on of a kind
She'll bring laughter to the world
And now she's dancing dancing dancing with the angels

She brought spirits to our hearts
A second mother, wife, so full of life
She had the most unique laugh that brought smiles

And love was the word
She's in our hearts
One of a kind
Brought laughter
Now she's dancing dancing dancing with the angels

O' She was full full of life
Smiles brought our school to life
Now it's time for all of us to bring our hearts together because

She's dancing dancing dancing with the angels

So full of life brought our hearts together as on

Now she's dancing dancing dancing with the angels

The author's comments:
This song inspired me to write it is my teacher that had passed away.

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