Face Your Inner Demons | Teen Ink

Face Your Inner Demons

March 30, 2011
By PSitsAshleyy BRONZE, Byfield, Massachusetts
PSitsAshleyy BRONZE, Byfield, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t walk in front of me; I may not follow.<br /> ...Don&#039;t walk behind me; I may not lead...<br /> Just walk beside me and be my friend. &hearts;

The time has come and the world's stopped turning.
Everyone, frozen,
The air so still of silence and lifeless souls, dead?
No, still alive but frozen in time.
Are you dead? Alive? Frozen inside?
No, am i me? Frozen inside?
Or have i changed what's become deep inside of me?
I scream in fear but nothing comes out.

The time has come and the world's stopped turning.
No one can save me except myself.
Hold your breath,
It may be your last,
Close your eyes,
It may be the last thing you see.

The time has come and the world's stopped turning,
Everyone, Frozen,
The air so still of silence and lifeless souls, dead?
No, still alive but frozen in time.
Are you dead? Alive? Frozen inside?
No, am i me? The same?
Or have i changed what's become deep inside of me?
I scream in fear but nothing comes out.

I open my eyes, take a look around, i see souls dead, lifeless.
What is wrong? What did i miss?
What happened? This is all supposed to be a myth.
This is not what i thought of time to be.
It is supposed to be filled with life,
In the heart, in the soul.

The time has come and the world's stopped turning.
Everyone frozen,
The air so still of silence and lifeless souls, dead?
No, still alive but frozen in time.
Am i dead? Alive? Frozen inside?
No, am i me? The same?
Or have i changed whats become deep inside of me?
I scream in fear but nothing comes out.

My eyes are wandering, through this helpless sight.
One lifeless soul catches my tear-filled eyes.
I move closer, closer, to time, the world has stopped turning.
I look deeper, deeper, into the lifeless soul.
It is I that I have been missing,
So lifeless, so dead,
So our of mind.
It is I that has stopped the world from turning,
It is I with the lifeless soul.
It is I that didn't understand.
Everything makes sense now,
The demons inside of me,
Killing me, Killing my soul.
Taking my life from which i thought i had never deserved.

The time has come and time has let the world turn free,
My demon's are gone, my soul breathing, breathing back to life.
I can scream and i am heard,
My fear of being worthless, taken by time, by my demons inside.
Time has come and has let the world turn free,
I am back on this earth,
Exactly the way I should be.

The author's comments:
My thoughts had given me the idea and inspiration to write this poem; it is how i feel at times.

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