Freshwater | Teen Ink


April 6, 2011
By Tyler Dziedzina BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Tyler Dziedzina BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your voice used to be like a foghorn,
Hanging in the mist,
A sound so forlorn.
Today my belly was scraping over rocks,
And my face nearly crashed into the docks.
The captain abandoned the ship,
And now it’s just an empty shell.
The distant shore calls out to me,
But I sense that it’s hell,
And a lapse in my consciousness
Tells me I’ve slipped into another realm.

Dream me up someplace else,
Somewhere with you again,
Someplace with freshwater,
I’m tired of all this salt.

I awoke in the middle of a desert
With sand in my shoe.
Left it in there, just another problem –
Nothing new.
My feet carry my nowhere for miles,
And I don’t see anything for a while,
I don’t bother chasing after mirages,
Partly because you taught me this,
And for now it seems like good logic.
Day turns to night,
And the night turns cold.
This game of life, I realize,
Seems to never grow old.
So I lay down among the debris,
Not knowing if I’ll ever get back up.

Dream me up someplace else,
Somewhere with you again,
Someplace with freshwater,
I’m tired of all this salt.
Dream me up someplace else,
In a time before the oceans dried up,
Before the cold nights…
I’m so sorry, this is all my fault.

The author's comments:
(Boredom in calculus)

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